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Legal protection by copyright of creations and innovations


The International Certificate of Authenticity™, is capable of proving the existence of your creation, innovation or document and its moment. This is essential to protect it from a probable infraction or improper appropriation. The creators and/or innovators can use this certificate to prove they possessed the original creation before anyone else. 


What will we give you?

We deliver a certificated pdf support which contains all the information of technological and legal protection of the creation, the alphanumeric number (Hash) and the non-fungible Token (digital footprint).


The International Certificate of Authenticity™, has worldwide coverage as it relies on an advanced technology suggested and applied by the World Intellectual Property Organization with its main headquarter in Geneva, Switzerland (organization of the United Nations system UN) and represents evidence which is protected against manipulation that the intellectual property asset existed on a given date and time and that it hasn’t been modified since then. The International Certificate of Authenticity™, is a unique digital footprint of your intellectual property asset that can be used in any judicial and/or contractual dispute. Allows the transfer (selling) or license (right of use) to third parties with a high economic value. 


Certification guarantees

  1. The International Certificate of Authenticity™, which is subject to monitoring, has a high integrity and meets completely the requirements and rules of the industry, applies the time sealing to the hash value of the digital files. The physical support, used for the time sealing is synchronized with the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

  2. The hash value is signed through a private password stored in a certificated hardware security module in accordance with the norm FIPS 140-3, to create a digital footprint. A public password is added to guarantee the authenticity.

  3. Delivery of the certificate and the non-fungible Token which provides the unalterable evidence of the digital files’ existence at the date and time when the token was created.

  4. The International Certificate of Authenticity™ is administered by specialists in intellectual property: Industrial and copyright: with the international support of the company Le droit à l'imagination and technological certification of DigiStamp Inc. Dallas – Chicago (USA).


The International Certificate of Authenticity™, and the Token have worldwide coverage and are evidence protected against the manipulation that the intellectual property asset existed at a determined date and time, and that it hasn’t been modified ever since. The International Certificate of Authenticity™, is a unique digital footprint of the intellectual property asset, which can be used at any judicial dispute or commercial negotiation. Also, it allows the intangible asset to be inventoried and, thus, financially valued for its ECONOMICAL VALORIZATION, the certificate is a legal and accountable support. The original and unique creation can be contractually transferred by right transfer (selling) or license (right of use) with a fairly high economic value.


If you are interested in implementing this innovative technology in the protection of your creations and/or innovations, contact us or request an advisory from our specialist lawyers. 


Which are the types of creations that can be protected?

Any type of intellectual creation, either Industrial Property, Copyright, contracts, or documents in general, such as:

  1. Industrial Design:  Designs, technical diagrams, planes, processes, business models, product tags, etc. 

  2. Creative Design: Fashion design, brand logos, architectural design, etc.

  3. Creative works: Music, photography, images, videos, audiovisuals, recordings, writings, blogs, posts, paintings, sculpture, choreographies, etc. 

  4. Informative Codes: Programs, APP, video games, etc.

  5. Investigation: Laboratory notes, reports, inventions, discoveries, etc. 

  6. Data: Formation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms, genetic sequences, etc.

  7. Commercial/industrial secrets: Undisclosed specialized knowledge.

  8. Signed documents: Contracts, agreements, covenants, certificates, etc. 

  9. Others: Any other type of creation that’s original and plasmable. 

Protect legally the intellectual property of any file which contains any creation of type artistic, digital, technique, scientific, commercial, industrial, etc. 

The only way in which you can legally protect your creations is if you can prove you created them first. 

It doesn’t matter which type of work you produce: photographs, videos, music, writings, designs, etc., with the International Certificate of Authenticity™ you can prove that your work existed with your name at a specific moment. It works as any other digital file. 


The “property” implies linking the identity of an individual and their creation to the International Certificate of Authenticity™. An International Certificate of Authenticity™ based on a time footprint proves that your work existed at a certain time. To accomplish this, the copyright specialists verify that the creation fulfils the basic requirements of international law and subsequently the digital time footprint is generated.



For us to imagine a possible scenario: a graphic designer creates 30 logo prototypes or commercial brands. All these creations are stored in only one digital file, and we will protect that one with the International Certificate of Authenticity™ and its time footprint. In the next few days, the graphic designer shows his 30 logo designs to a possible client. The client doesn’t buy any of the designs. Four months later, one of those logos appeared on the client’s website without the author’s permission. At this moment, the author can make a government claim against the infringer, the designer could use his International Certificate of Authenticity™ to prove he had created the logo months before. This way, contractually or judicially, the infraction case is easier to prove and solve. 



Yes but, how can you prove that you created it first? An International Certificate of Authenticity™ with a digital time footprint will provide you with unequivocal proof the content of your data file existed at a certain moment. The U.S. Copyright Act regulates the protection of authors, artists, musicians, photographers, and other creative individuals. According to the law, the creator is the owner of the work. 



No, an International Certificate of Authenticity™ that has a digital time footprint of your creation acts as evidence of your copyright. In the United States, as in almost all countries around the globe, your work has been automatically protected by copyright since the moment of its creation. It is important to highlight this protection is granted without obtaining a registered copyright. The official register has the same evidentiary purpose as the International Certificate of Authenticity™; however, it is more expensive and takes longer. 



The International Certificate of Authenticity™ grants solid legal evidence for the authentication. To sum up, you need proof of what you did and when you did it. Our service provides strong proof for both.

In fact, we grant exceptionally strong evidence, given that we have implemented international standardized methods. Our specialist lawyers previously do verifications, and we grant that the digital time footprint of the file is the best legal evidence worldwide. 


Copyright protection in two phases

Due to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, 167 countries of the world have the same rules for authors and creators to get and protect their rights. In each of these countries, a creator immediately has all the copyright from the creation moment. It isn’t necessary to do any action or register to get these rights. However, sadly, the odds aren’t fully solved: 

There are two main challenges in the comprehensive protection of copyright:

  1. Proving you are the original creator. 

  2. Being able to chase the infringers of your creations.

Having strong evidence of the creation is all you need to prove the intellectual property but isn’t always easy. By publishing your creations or by registering them in a copyright office, you get excellent evidence of your creations. However, it’s possible you don’t always want to show your work, or maybe not yet. In this type of situation, creators usually use the "copyright of the poor" to send themselves a sealed envelope. The mark of the postal service made that one could legally prove that the content existed in the moment of the postmark, thus, being able to prove the content was authentic and original. Nevertheless, nowadays that method isn’t completely trusted and now we have safer technological and legal tools, an International Certificate of Authenticity™ with a reliable timestamp authority.


Defending yourself from infringers is complicated. But it will always be easier and safer if you own efficacious and well-founded evidence that you are the author and of the moment of the creation. 

Legally protect your creativity

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